Thursday October 17, 2013 Just say "Yes" to God...Yes O Lord that You shall love me...protect me...keep me upon Your lap... Say "Yes" once... and then never turn your head again and fear the conviction with which you said "Yes" to God... The love of God can never fail you... Never! But the fear of the failure can bring untold moments of misery...
Denying the God within you...above you...below you...around you is the greatest mistake the human mind makes and brings before one's own self the punishment of enduring and defending the panic of underlying fears...
There are no "ifs"' and "buts" in the world of God. There is faith...and then of course there is the miracle of peace...
The coward mind hold on to the doubts...The intellect holds on to the "Why" and the heart holds on to the "Yes"...the "Yes" to God...
Realize that God is within you and then there is instant peace...
You shall lose your peace if you deny even for a moment that God resides in your self...your spirit...your breath. If you deny that life becomes a burden of fears...
God does not need to prove anything to you...for you already love Him even if you know it not...
The perfection of life that you paint is only a mirage...Life is perfect when there is nothing to is perfect when you realize that the entire world is a part of your own being...